This is my personal website, on which you will find info about what I do, what I work towards, and hopefully some articles you’ll find useful or interesting.
I am interested in Open Research/Science (and Open Research Software specifically), the Commons, plants and our environment, sustainability, spatial data and cycling. Please do get in touch if you’d like to work with me on a project!
What I do
- Technology Trainer (and research support staff) at the University of Queensland’s Library. I authored and maintain many of our Creative Commons-licensed training manuals on R, Python, LaTeX, Bash, Git, OpenStreetMap, uMap, QGIS, OpenRefine, Audacity and Voyant Tools.
- Maintainer of R package rinat: acquire iNaturalist data
- Author and maintainer of R package osmxml: read and visualise OSM XML
- I enjoy sporadically spending time on Quality Assurance for LibreOffice
Open data:
- 1,900+ observations on iNaturalist
- 7,500+ edits on MusicBrainz
- 4,800+ changesets on OpenStreetMap
- 11,600+ contributions on Wikimedia projects (including Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons)
Thank you to everyone who make this work possible: the developers of and contributors to the tools mentioned above, the wonderful people I have worked with over the years, my fellow open data gatherers who have built these monuments over the years, the people who have documented and shared processes I have learned from, the organisations that support the ecosystem, and the building blocks that make this website what it is: Hugo, blogdown, R Markdown, the Hugo Apéro theme, and everyone who is part of the R community.
Introduction to tidy spatial networks

Introduction to dealing with tidy spatial networks in R, demonstrating a full process of data acquisition from the open spatial database OpenStreetMap, data preparation, and basic network analysis like isodistance and shortest path calculation.
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Stéphane Guillou
Research Software Trainer
How to say my name